Hello and welcome to my website!

I write about Scotland, mainly historical novels set in Glasgow and Edinburgh.  My books include Glasgow-based family sagas and tales of Jacobite intrigue and romance set in Edinburgh.  My most recent novel is Storm Tossed Moon, the third novel in the Storm over Scotland series.  This is the story of Redcoat Captain Robert Catto and surgeon-apothecary’s daughter Christian Rankeillor and what happens when their two very different worlds collide.

I am also the author of several non-fiction books, including the critically claimed Damn’ Rebel Bitches: The Women of the ’45, its companion volume Bare-Arsed Banditti: The Men of the ’45 and, most recently, One Week in April: The Scottish Radical Rising of 1820.  Over the years, I have written a few hundred articles for newspapers and magazines.

You can find out about all of my books on this site.  If you want to be right up to date, you can sign up to my occasional newsletter.  When you sign up you’ll receive a free ebook with some of my articles.

Happy Reading!

Maggie Craig

Maggie’s Books

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